If I were to make a list of my favorite three forms of mass media, then the list would have to go as follows, movies, the internet, and lastly, reference books. Over the passing years I have started to become more and more fond about movies, going from a passive interest when I was child, to the point were I study and nit-pick movies now, I like finding out the symbolism in films and the different ways that they can make you feel, but beyond that, I also like to study the structure of movies and the effects they have on people outside the story the film is trying to tell (in real life). Secondly, I am also effected greatly by the internet, the internet is such a broad spectrum of information on just about everything that there are no questions to be asked when I say that life is greatly effected by it, the only problem I have with the internet is that it is sometimes not as detailed as I wish it were sometimes, and some of the information on it could be false, or you could bump into a website that you would rather not go on (not long after I published this blog I was doing a research project on Iran's goverment and found a website that seemed valid but turned out to be a terrorist group's website). Lastly, were the internet seemed to fail, books seem to excel, were the internet is a resource that produces a wide range of basic information, reference books allow for a narrow range of detailed informationfor when the basic information of the internet is just not enouph to satisfy my curiosity, short stories and some novelshave also effected me mildly during my life more so recently than ever though, if I read a short story it is most likely to be by H.P Lovecraft, at the time that this blog was published I have recently read Flatland: a romanceof many dimensions, and I am now reading a game of thrones, and the book form of the king in yellow.
This is Mike Stolklasa, the founder of a film studio in Milwauki called Red Letter Media. They are well known for their very odd, morbid sense of humor, and obsesive interest with pizza rolls (these guys tried to make a serious movie once but gave up half way through and made it into one of the most anticlimactic films of all time), but if can get past their mediocrity, you will find that their knowledge of film is present just by watching their movie reviews.
If you look at the history of popular culture in time you will notice that it becomes more and more of a blur the closer you get to modern times, and the more focused it becomes the furthur back you go. This affecting how the media reaches out to people, when a company wants to construct a product that will appeal to the most amount of people possible they will by referencing popular culture they will usualy go back to older matearial because it is more likely that the general public will recognize it and be atracted to purchase the product, I'm no expert on this and I can't garantee that what I'm saying is true but I believe this is happening because of the many different forms of comuniction that we have developed ever since the 1950's, from cell phones, texting, and other social media, and because of this populart culture is becoming so bogged up with things that it is impossible to recognize them all. An example of something that is affected by this ''blur'', is film, in the past ten years this effect has made the mojority of fims in the last ten years remakes or reboots of an older more memorable film, but it doesn't stop there, because now hollywood is making movies of anything they possibly can, going from video games, tv shows, and I wouldn't even put it past them if they made a movie based entirely on a product another company is trying to sell.
A visual representation of the popular culture blurring effect.
Moon. I don't know if my answer to this question is biased or not since I watched this film last saturday (at the time this article was published) but I do know that there is no other movie that I have ever seen that gets me more emotionaly invested than Moon. Moon is about a man named Sam Bell (played by Sam Rockswell) Who is just about to finish his three year contract working with lunar industries, he has been isolated on the moon for the length of his contract with only a artificial intelligence to accompany him, (and if I'm lost on an island I would really be able to relate to him on that level) he is looking forward to seeing his wife Tese, and meeting his daughter for the first time in his life, but his time on the moon has given his sanity time to slip away from his mind, and he starts to halucinate, if I were to tell you anything more I would ruin the story for but I hope that this is enough to encourage you to watch the film. Every aspect of this film is flawlessly built, the plot keeps getting you to ask questions without saving all the answers until the end, everything in this film is based on facts as an aded plus, and for such a small film it is also very visualy appeling.
This is the main soutrack for Moon, feel free to listen to it as you finish reading my post.
When I'm stuck on desert island I want a game that is simple so that I will play often, that is also has lots of different options. The Game that I have chosen is Shadowgate, in case you haven't heard of it, Shadowgate was originaly a game for the NES but that soon found its to game boy and the Nintendo64 (I don't know of any other consols that can play this game but if you know of any I didn't mention please send me a message) it is an Interactive Fiction (also known as IF) games such as Collosal Cave (The first IF game), or Zork (The most popular), but combined with the visual components of a modern game. In Shadowgate you were given a description of the room you were in just like in a typical IF but you were also given an image of the room you were in on the top half of the screen, and on the bottom half of the screen you had a list of the items in your inventory and other notable things, on the bottom of the screen you were also given a list of simple actions you could perform such as take, open, and use, to interact with somthing you simply had to select the action you would like to take and then select the thing you wanted to perform the action on, and you would be told that you can not do that.
I'll be truthfull, beating this game for the first time is an near impossible task. There are so many ways you can die in this game, and they are so unpredictable. The death above is probobly the most ridiculas. you must chose to break one of three mirrors and you are given no information previously to make an informed decision in this challege, if you chose the right (the direction) the above will happen.
Stuck on a desert island, chances of survival slim, I chose to bring the SAS survival guide... NOPE! There is nothing more reasuring when your stuck on desert island than the idea that a crazed fanatical clay sculptor is going to try and kill you at any moment. My choice, H.P Lovcraft's short stories, H.P Lovecraft is the pioneer of weird fiction and if you knew only one of my trraits it would be that I'm weird. H.P Lovecraft has intrigued me for some time now and, I really enjoy how he is capable of using the supernatural as a plot device to drive his stories to eventualy have point that exposes a flaw in humanity by scaring you, but only once you have read the very last word. I also like disproving things mentioned in his and Robert William Chambers' stories, ''Hastur, Hastur, Hast...''
(did you get it?)
(didn't think so)
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