Monday 25 June 2012

 The exploits of blockbuster films

    Ever since the late 1970's anew genre of film has been around, the blockbuster.  A blockbuster is a film that attempts to  exploits as many movie goers as possible, and using as many cheap gimicks as possible.  Blockbusters are only made to produce as much money as possible in any way possible, are not a true form of artwork, and are devoid of all story telling means.  Examples of films that follow this trend are the star wars prequels, Jack and Jill, Avatar.

I think that the Star Wars prequels speak for themselves when I mention that they are pourly made films only created in order to captivate the undeveloped minds of small children who enjoy watching shiny objects for hours on end, and to sell alot (ALOT!) of merchandise.  I think every one lost with this one.

The film Jack and Jill was so bad (even the kids who liked the star wars prequels, were not impresed by this one) and it has rceived a 3% rating on rotten tomatoes (so its really rotten).  The sad truth is that by   getting others to watch this terrifying peice of "art", the people involved in the creation of this film still generated an immence amount of money through product placement.  I'd also like to point out that is pretty sad when the funniest thing in your movie is the fact that Alpachino is in it.

Avatar was not a terrible movie, it was great visualy, and it did advance the technology in filmaking (althougn in the wrong direction). The problem I have with Avatar that it is the top grossing movie of all time, but you could compare it to pochahontas and dances with wolves until your blue in the face (yes I sayed that... what are to do about huh).  All James Cameron did was take the same old cookie cutter setting, made it three hours long, then just hyped it up alot (ALOT!).

This shows us that there are alot (ALOT!) of films out there that are only made so its creators may stick there grimy little fingers into your wallet and take your cash.  This is not to say that there no more good movies out there that make good profit, this just ,eens that you should be a little cautious when trying to chose what film you want to watch because you could end up watching Star Wars episodes 7-9(this is real, George Lucas is planning on making a third trilogy [I alsi heard rumors that it has a time travel plot for more opportunities to tinker with original saga]) or maybe Indiana Jones 5 (This definetly happening I say in the news paper the other day [and its going to take pkace inside of a haunted castle]) ... someone should really put the lucas ranch out of its misery (in other words, you plant the bomb, while I retrieve the milenium falcon).

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Silent films have so much class!
     I do not believe that silent films are only of historical interest.  Film is a visual medium, the introduction of sound to filmaking made it easier to convey information and to tell a story through film, but it did not change my opinion silent films.  In silent films the actors are given the chance to show their emotions, while an actor can do the same in a film with sound, it is often harder in a situation where the charatcters of the film can just say their emotions out loud.  It may be hard to acomplish, but a lot more information can be conveyed to an audience through visuals only, a classic example of this is the opening sequence to Star Wars episode IV, all the information the audience needs is given through visuals only, the oposite of this is when the information is given with nothing but dialogue, like in Star Wars episode I, it is very hard to keep the audience's atention when the dialogue is this boring, movies done this way usualy have short and slopy dialogue that is fluctuated by seizure inducing action sequences.  Silent films can still be succeful to this day, in 2005 a silent film was released, which told the classic lovecraftian tale ''The Call Of Cthulhu'', this film curently has a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which proves that even to this day silent films can and will be succeful.


Saturday 10 March 2012

16 and Paranormal 

         The show will be directed towards boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 13. This is an appropriate audience because they are easy to target, they are gullible causing them to be initially attracted to the show but they have become old enough to have developed an attention span that can last longer than 30 seconds causing them to watch the show regularly, keeping the ratings at steady pace, but they are not likely to change to another show without any hesitation like a child of any other age.

          Crazy people are entertaining. Whether you feel pity for them, or laugh at them.  People are curious to see crazy people do crazy things.  Add in a bit of editing and melodrama and you have got yourself an instant reality show.

          The characters will be different every episode but they will all be molded into certain archetypes. These archetypes will include the main focus of the stories (the crazy person), the person who yells a lot (YELLING IS DRAMA!), the person who is always irritated about something, the idiot, and many more. Negative features resonate in the minds of people more freely and this is why every character is defined by their vices.

          The show will be a small part of the life of every character involved in the episode. The audience will be shown different problems the characters face in a daily basis, and how they react to them, the audience will also be shown the characters by themselves expressing their opinions on the current situation and what they think of the other characters.

           The show will take place in a high school, this is attractive to the audience because pre-teens have not yet experienced high school yet so they will not be able to differentiate between what is real and what is not, they also aspire to go to high school and are attracted to the idea.

           There is no goal or prize in this show.  This may not be enticing to certain viewers but it allows the show to evolve with broader range of characters and with more flexibility.  This is also according to the audience; pre-teens are not typically interested in shows of that particular style.

           We have all seen reality shows that portray people with a specific mental ailment, such as hoarders or intervention.  The thing that sets this show apart from all others is that it is a much broader topic and has more room to go in different directions, and more importantly, the direction audiences are going to want from watching this show.

copy and paste the URL below to watch the would be trailer of this show.

Sunday 26 February 2012

 The media is somewhat important to my life.  Only certain branches of the media affect me while others, not so much.  The internet is a very useful resource and has affected much of what I do in my life, from helping me research for an assignment, to providing me information on subjects of interest, to allowing me to buy products I would not normally be capable of purchasing at a store, or many other things, in fact without the internet I would not have had the opportunity to get my chemistry credit.  I also use the media as form of entertainment, from the movies I watch, to the television I watch, to the games I play, and even the books I read, the media has proven to be a useful tool for distracting me.  The reason that the media is only somewhat important to my life is because that I don't blog, in fact this is the first blog I have ever posted ever, and to be truthful this is taking a while to figure out, I also do not listen to that much music neither, don't get the wrong message from this though, it is not that I don't listen to music ever, its that I am not actively searching to listen to music like most people would.